Albert Einstein's
IQ was 180Bill Gates's
IQ is 160Abraham Lincoln's
IQ was 128Loading...
Students can register online simply by clicking on Register button using mobile app INIQTEST or website
Students can register offline simply by contacting the office of INIQTEST or contacting the area co-ordinator of INIQTEST.
Students can register for INIQTEST in their schools simply by registering their names with the concerned teacher of external exams or co-curicular activities.
Total 20 questions will be randomly generated to each participant.
Maximum 30 minutes of time will be allowed to each participant.
Maximum 6 students will be supervised by 1 inveglator at a time.
Students participating in the Iniqtest will be honoured and awarded based on their IQ scores as follows.
Note : Top 3 studnets from class/grade 1 to 10 will be ranked as an International Toppers on the basis of their IQ Scores. Prize amount of an International Toppers will be equally distributed within the toppers of class/grade 1 to 10.*
For Particiapants with IQ Score 100 and above
For Particiapants with IQ Score 85 and above
For Particiapants with IQ Score 70 and above
Participants with IQ score below 70 will be awarded by certificates only
Your IQ Score is 180
You have achieved Gold Medal
Please follow the instructions mentioned below for better results and accurate IQ Score.
Do not prepare or practice in any way for the test.
Have a good night sleep before the test.
Have proper meal and diet before the test.
Keep your state of mind clam and relax.
Try the demo test once or twice only to know the technical things only.
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