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Refund and Cancellation Policy

Refund Policy

What is Returns policy ?
We have a no returns policy. Orders once placed can't be cancelled and no refunds are made. However, if you have accidentally placed two orders on the same day (inadvertently made duplicate transaction), we cancel and refund one order on written request from customer with proof of transaction.

Can I return a part of my order ?

How long will the return process take ?
Once your return request has been placed with Customer Service, it usually takes 7-10 days to initiate refund. The receipt of the payment would depend on the mode of payment chosen by you.

Refund Method

Certificate, Medal and Any Other Reward achived by the participant will be delivred to the participant through reliable courier services selected by INLESYS. However, INLESYS does not assume any responsibility or liability for any loss occurred during the transit.

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